速報APP / 工具 / Mobile Internet Monitor

Mobile Internet Monitor





版本需求:Android 4.0 以上版本


Mobile Internet Monitor(圖1)-速報App

Mobile Internet Monitor: The mobile application helps you to monitor the data usage on the mobile internet connection. In addition the application also allows you to change the monitoring period, to limit and to report the mobile data usage.

- Monitoring your mobile data usage by:

Mobile Internet Monitor(圖2)-速報App

+ All time

+ Every day

Mobile Internet Monitor(圖3)-速報App

+ Every month (You can change the begining day for each month)

+ Every year

Mobile Internet Monitor(圖4)-速報App

+ Or you can customize the begining date for monitoring

- Limitation

Mobile Internet Monitor(圖5)-速報App

+ Limiting the data usage

+ Limiting the time of using mobile data by:

Mobile Internet Monitor(圖6)-速報App

+ Within today

+ Within this month

Mobile Internet Monitor(圖7)-速報App

+ Within this year

+ Within 24h from now

Mobile Internet Monitor(圖8)-速報App

+ Or you can customize the expired date for using mobile data

- Statistics for the mobile data usage by:

+ Time

+ Application